Monday, November 30, 2020

SQL Server Full backups

 SQL Server Full backups

• The most common types of SQL Server backups are complete or full backups, also

known as database backups.

• These backups create a complete backup of your database as well as part of the

transaction log, so the database can be recovered.

• This allows for the simplest form of database restoration, since all of the contents are

contained in one backup.

• A full backup can be completed either using T-SQL or by using SSMS. The following

examples show you how to create a full backup.


This will create a full backup of the AdventureWorks database and write the backup

contents to file "C:AdventureWorks.BAK". The .BAK extension is commonly used for

identifying that the backup is a full database backup.

• SQL Server Management Studio

o Right click on the database name

o Select Tasks > Backup

o Select "Full" as the backup type

o Select "Disk" as the destination

o Click on "Add..." to add a backup file and type "C:AdventureWorks.BAK" and

click "OK"

o Click "OK" again to create the backup

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